The last few days have been really good and at the same time each very different.

Monday: A full workday followed by a few hours connecting with family and having some important conversations about the future late into the evening.

Tuesday: Launched a brand new format for my podcast Can I Ask You A Question? Then came home and mowed, trimmed, and blew the lawn for a few hours and went to bed.

Wednesday: Woke up sick with a low grade fever/flu did a little necessary work and pretty much laid in bed for 24 hours to kick it quickly.

Thursday: Felt well enough to return to work and had a full packed day of teaching & coaching at the school my wife and I lead. After work I had a great time connecting with my wife after a busy week…

Then we’re up off and on from 10:30PM-5:30AM with our daughter who was having a rough night. At the 5:30 mark I was up for the day with my daughter. Needless to say, we’ll all need a nap later.

Despite being tired, I actually feel really good. Looking back at my week I can see that I wore my many hats of responsibility well.

I handled things well this time, but many other times this type of every changing week would have really thrown me and to be honest it took intentionality to not let that happen this time too.

Can you relate?

I think the answer is almost certainly yes. We all have a wide variety of problems, opportunities, and situations we are faced with every single day.

I think the beauty, is learning how to switch hats well. In other other words, at the right moment, in the right way, for the right length of time before doing it all over again.

This is actually the theme/question I explored in this week’s episode of the podcast. It’s entitled “HOW DO I LIVE IN TIMES OF PEACE AND WAR?”

It’s a pretty epic title for an everyday but immensely important challenge we all face; knowing when to slow down and when to speed up, when to save money for a rainy day or spend it with your loved ones while the sun is still shining…

In other words, when to prepare for war or enjoy the peace.

I’d be honored if you would subscribe today wherever you listen to podcasts. Apple, Spotify, YouTube

See you next Thursday!

Geno Schmelzer,

P.S. Check out my brand new podcast “Can I Ask You A Question?

World class people are multifaceted. In each conversation we’ll dive into more than just their most public accomplishments, and into the everyday habits and values that we can all learn from to live a life truly marked by health, wealth, and wisdom.