Today’s morning alarm for Geno Schmelzer (me) went off at 5 am just like it was supposed to. In a bizarre and unexpected twist of circumstances (not really bizarre or unexpected) Geno didn’t arise from his bed until after 6 AM.

The suspected cause, roughly 8 hours of meetings yesterday and an at home arrival of about 9:30 PM. Where the subject of our investigation Geno was greeted by his lovely wife, watched a series of funny youtube videos and collapsed into bed in a near fetal position.

All of this lead to a drain in will power and the aforementioned hour + late wake up time. At this point our subject had the choice to slink away the rest of the day in silent frustration at his lack of will power and missed morning routine; or he could make a 5 minute pivot, a concept promoted by many thought leaders including James Clear.

On this morning my friends, our subject Geno made the choice to make the pivot and push back defeat before 7 AM.

He asked himself a simple question, “what if I condensed the different elements of my morning routine into 5 minute sections as opposed to their usual 15-30 minute sections? That way I’d keep the habit streak, keep making progress, and keep reaffirming my identity as someone who wakes up in the morning, stretches, listens to their bible, writes...”

Geno turned on his Bible app audio, set his timer, and began doing a very poor version of downward dog to stretch. He was amazed how much positive, forward moving progress he was able to achieve in 5 minutes and grateful he hadn’t given up on the day before 7 AM or let his lack of time, become the cause for a lack of progress.

Later today as is his usual plan, he’ll do his “sweat-less” workout routine of pushups, pull ups, and squats at work and tomorrow he’ll get in his “sweaty” 3 mile run after work when he can easily take a shower. Or something will come up, he’ll prove he’s still a human, and if he can remember the lesson of this day, he’ll turn to another 5 minute pivot and keep moving forward.

The Moral of the Story:

I think it’s pretty obvious, as fathers, mothers, leaders, students, and otherwise driven people looking to move forward in 2024, we will have good mornings and bad ones, good days and bad ones, but I have rarely if ever lived a day where I was literally unable to invest in myself, others, or my mission to make at least a small amount of progress, if only I am humble enough and patient enough to do the work of a 5 minute pivot.

Here’s a few 5 minute pivot ideas;

  • 5 minute sweat-less workout or stretch routine. Cuts out the shower and the gym clothes.

  • 5 minute walk while listening to an audio book. Excercise + learning is one of the most potent 2x progress process I know of. It pairs so well.

  • 5 minute writing session. That important email can still live in your drafts, put now it’s begun.

  • 5 minute planning session. Most of my best ideas were sketched out in bullet points on Evernote on my phone while I was taking a walk or waking up from a nap…

  • 5 minute play time with your kids. I recently heard this hack from a podcast. The person never says no to play time request even if he only has 1 minute before he needs to return to his zoom meeting.

The reality of all these “little” steps is this - IT ADDS UP!!! Don’t despise it or miss it, make the 5 minute pivot.

See you next Thursday!

Geno Schmelzer,

P.S. Check out my brand new podcast “Can I Ask You A Question? It too is the perfect pairing with some light to moderate exercise. Get in some movement as you listen in on how other high achievers are pursuing a life of health, wealth, wisdom, marriage, parenting… The goal is for you to be encouraged and then apply some of that wisdom in your own life.

World class people are multifaceted. In each conversation we’ll dive into more than just their most public accomplishments, and into the everyday habits and values that we can all learn from to live a life truly marked by health, wealth, and wisdom.