Achieve Hard Things - In An Easy Way

Achieving success in health, wealth, or wisdom is hard.

Anyone telling you otherwise is almost certainly wrong, but I am learning there is an “easier” or a “harder” way to success and it’s different for each of us. 

Lately I’ve been focusing on making my hard to achieve goals, more achievable by making the individual steps easier and more repeatable. 

For example I’ve been working on building out a habit of regular weekly exercise for the last 6+ months. I’ve tried;

  • Weight lifting in the gym for 1-2 hour sessions.

  • 30 minute HIIT type workouts in the mornings at a friends house.

  • Home workouts in a garage home gym my wife and I created.

I have learned from, benefited from, and enjoyed each of these different ways to exercise. I have learned that working out consistently is hard work, but I’ve also learned the liberating truth that there are many ways or options to achieve my desired goal of being healthy, slim, and strong, AND some options are easier for me than others, SO why not choose to do hard things in an easier way?

My newest trial at doing the hard work of exercise in a personally easier way, is doing 5 sets, 4 days a week, of push ups, squats, leg lifts for abs, and some pull ups + 2 afternoon runs/jogs.

A quick google search will show you that when you incorporate a push, pull, and leg exercise into your routine you have a pretty comprehensive full body workout that for most of us we can do at home or work without breaking a sweat and needing a shower.

Only time will tell, but for my personality at least, this seems like an easier approach to achieving my hard but valuable health and fitness goal.

What’s your hard goal that you need to find an easier option/strategy of achieving?

See you next Thursday!

Geno Schmelzer,

P.S. Check out my brand new podcast “Can I Ask You A Question?

World class people are multifaceted. In each conversation we’ll dive into more than just their most public accomplishments, and into the everyday habits and values that we can all learn from to live a life truly marked by health, wealth, and wisdom.