Taking a walk today I thought to myself for the countless time, “I need to stop adding in complicating factors to my life and start simplifying!”

Currently my head is full of numbers and strategies as I work on a pretty big investment. It all has the potential to be great financially, but still there’s work to get there.

Per usual it’s only one of a recurring playlist of legitimate areas that need my best time and attention.

As a I walked a thought occured to me and I’ll share it with you now.

2 Thoughts On Simplicity:


Half the battle of simplicity is a battle of facts. We quite literally have too much to do and think about. We’ve placed an unrealistic demand for attention on our finite selves.

This half of the equation is solved by literally cutting down on your commitments, your projects, investments, and otherwise areas of focus.

Less demand with the same capability = increased capacity.


The other half of the battle for simplicity isn’t about the facts of the matter, but instead how you frame those facts?

Put another way, the mindset and viewpoint with which you view your life can either lead to greater simplicity or greater complexity and it’s almost entirely dependent on you.

To illustrate my point, we’ve all met people who are able to quickly and succinctly describe even the most difficult situation they are facing and what they intend to do about it. And we’ve all met people who make getting the wrong order from the grocery a 2 hour soap opera.

It’s not always the size of your problem or opportunity that determines your realized level of simplicity, probably half the time or more it’s your perspective.

Ultimately this is great news because overtime we can all eliminate unnecessary areas of focus and we can all choose to view our problems and opportunities in a more succinct and optimistic way.

I’ll leave it there today!

Geno Schmelzer,