You Were Born To Be Rich and Resilient

Achieving The Success & Resilience You've Always Wanted

Wherever you’re at as you read these words, what ever you’re doing… Hear me loud and clear!

Your husband or wife needs you. Your kids and nieces and nephews need you. Your coworkers and employees need you. Your local community needs you…

The world desperately needs you… to be the rich and resilient soul you were meant to be. Someone with:

  • Enough resource in them and assets at their disposal to invest in others.

  • Enough resilience that they are a strong tree to shelter under in a terrifying storm.

  • Enough wisdom to see beyond the present trends and conversations in culture today.

  • Someone who as others have said, is a “non anxious presence.” A source of wisdom and peace to others.

I believe we were all made to be rich and resilient and if you’ve chosen to be a part of this community of people all actively seeking to grow in our health, wealth, and wisdom… I think you know that and want that too.

I will be honest with you, I don’t have a single magic bullet to guarantee that you’ll succeed in this pursuit everyday. If I did, I’d be a lot richer and more resilient myself. But I do know this, richer and more resilient is the direction in life where I am meant to go. Richer and more resilient is the direction you are meant to go as well.

So today as you read these words, remember your birthright and pursue it! Don’t allow the monotony of our daily schedule to delude you into believing that life is anything less than a breathtaking gift and a heart pounding opportunity.

This is true for everyone reading these words, but especially so for all of us who have come to believe that God created us in His image and with a wonderful purpose. Who have accepted in faith the wonderful gift of redemption purchased for us by Jesus the savior of all who call upon His name and bow their knee.

For us, our old selves and our old limitations are gone and we have been reborn into a wonderful inheritance that is rich and resilient. This is wonderful news. Let’s not let it go to waste.

Let’s splash into the sea and feel the bracing cold quicken our souls. Let’s risk, dream, and dive deeply into the depths of what’s before us.

You were born to be rich and resilient.

See you next Thursday!

Geno Schmelzer,


There is something powerful about hanging out with other rich and resilient people, even if it’s over a podcast with headphones on in your kitchen.

Check out my brand new podcast “Can I Ask You A Question? It’s another chance to stir yourself up and cultivate a rich and resilient soul.

World class people are multifaceted. In each conversation we’ll dive into more than just their most public accomplishments, and into the everyday habits and values that we can all learn from to live a life truly marked by health, wealth, and wisdom.