A recent conversation with a loved one hit me between the eyes and left me staggering back a little. I needed every bit of it, perhaps a rock or two more for good measure to let the message sink in.

Here’s the gist of what I learned:

Sometimes serving has a dark side.

Sometimes providing for your family, helping in the community, even serving God on Sunday at church, can become more about you, than it really is about those your serving.

I recently wrote about being a Warrior King, Poet Priest, and Lover. Three unique and special parts of who we are as humans. I stand by those essential traits and the belief that the desire to fulfill these roles has it’s roots in God’s design of us.

But even a well intentioned and beautifully designed ship can drift off course and the same is certainly true of us.

Today let my personal reminder, also be a reminder to yourself, to check your motives and ask yourself who am I really doing this for?

Maybe the answer won’t change your outward actions, maybe it will. Either way its certainly a question worth asking.

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See you next Thursday!

Geno Schmelzer,