The last two nights our little daughter has been sick.

It’s rough when your child isn’t feeling well.

These restless and sleep deprived nights haven’t been easy, and it lead me to remark to my wife;

Everything is harder in the dark. 

  • In the dark you feel alone.

  • In the dark every problem seems a whole lot bigger.

  • In the dark every fear and anxiety seems to grow.

  • In the dark, the morning lights seems like it’s years away.

To be honest, I’ve been in a bit of a dark night in more than just the literal sense.

Most of life is wonderful, but in a few key areas, results weren’t what I’d hoped and I let momentum slow to a crawl as I grappled with the disappointment, the fatigue from this last busy season…

How about you?

Is there a dark night you are facing right now?

I want don’t have a magic bullet, but I do have this to say to you.


You are not alone, even if it feels like it right now. Others are also facing challenges, reeling from losses and disappointments. Reach out to a proactive friend and let them know what’s going on. Maybe you can both encourage one another.


The end of the dark night seems like it will never come, but once you begin working towards a solution the clock starts ticking and the sunshine gets closer by the second.

Restart momentum. Write the first draft. Clean one room in your house. Put your running shoes on. Lift up the prayer you’ve got to God. But restart momentum now.


Psalm 3:5b “Weeping may last through the night, but joy comes with the morning.”

See you next Thursday!

Geno Schmelzer,

P.S. Check out my brand new podcast “Can I Ask You A Question?