How To Find Your Purpose In 3 Simple Questions

Defeating Distraction & Achieving The Meaningful Life You've always Wanted

Is your head jam packed with good ideas but you can’t seem to decide which one to pursue?

Is your heart moved by a million different causes that each tug at your heart and make you want to pick up your sword and go to war?

Or maybe that’s just me on a daily basis?

I think to some degree we all face this challenge of paralysis by analysis brought on by what at least feels like too many options and not enough time.

So what do we do? Here are 3 simple questions to help you narrow down your focus into your place of greatest purpose and fulfillment.

As we break them down, imagine 3 concentric circles each drawing you closer to your purpose either on a macro life level or a particular decision.

1. What’s Most Right?

As a Christian the first place I start is with morality as laid out in the Bible and so I’ll suggest it here for you as well. This first question makes it quite obvious that illicit or criminal pursuits are off the table. So are unhealthy, unwise, unhelpful options as well.

God wants the best for me and there is a lot out there that is pretty obviously not it, despite being pleasurable, convenient, or otherwise tempting.

The good news is that after all the bad choices are eliminated, you are left with a wide range of good ideas, even though you haven’t narrowed down to the great ones yet.

2. What’s Most Helpful?

Here we ask ourselves; “of all the things I could do to make the world or even my own home a better place, what is the most helpful?”

This is basic triage, what’s most urgent, what most likely to lead to a long term positive outcome?

Underlying this question is your own areas of competency and capability. Your most helpful next step may not be funding medical research if you have little to no disposable income, but volunteering at the hospital might be.

3. What’s Most Fun?

I’ve learned that if it’s not fun, either my performance or resilience will suffer.

Even after narrowing down the concentric circles of what’s most right and what’s most helpful, there are still a lot of options left, but this next question, pardon my joke, is where things get fun!

Every goal will have its setbacks. Every mission its challenges. There will be a toll tax whatever path you take, so make sure it’s one that is fun!

  • A man or woman who can laugh as they run their race is much more likely to reach the finish line a winner.

  • People are attracted to happy people doing meaningful work. Whether that is running a charity or opening a restaurant. Joy makes a huge difference.

Right here, right now, silence the noise and ask these 3 simple questions; what’s most right… what’s most helpful… what’s most fun… and go do it!

See you next Thursday!

Geno Schmelzer,

P.S. Check out my brand new podcast “Can I Ask You A Question? Each conversation is a chance to learn from others who are finding and pursing their purpose.

World class people are multifaceted. In each conversation we’ll dive into more than just their most public accomplishments, and into the everyday habits and values that we can all learn from to live a life truly marked by health, wealth, and wisdom.