Find What Works For You

Many people get discouraged because they try a class or training method and it doesn’t work. They read all those testimonials for people who it did work for and they are perplexed and disappointed when they don’t see the same results.

One conclusion they then jump to, is that the teacher and solution they were offered, were frauds. Sometimes this is true, but often it’s simply that what worked for someone else, isn’t and probably won’t work for them.

Bringing things closer to home. It isn’t that the way of doing things is wrong, it’s just not right for you.

Life is finding what works for you.

  • Find a plan you can stick with.

  • Choose a diet your whole family can live with.

  • Pick a level of risk in business where you can still sleep at night.

  • Choose the hardest, wisest path, that you can do joyfully and consistently.

  • I’ve never heard of a person that has to grit out eating their favorite dessert, to them it comes naturally.

One of the most liberating realizations for me personally, has been that there is more than one way up most mountains and you don’t have to take the first or most popular route presented to you. You can and should find a way that works for you, it’s out there… Go find it.

See you next Thursday!

Geno Schmelzer,

P.S. Check out my brand new podcast “Can I Ask You A Question? Brand new episode releasing this Tuesday!

I’m talking with Jakob Haymond. Jakob is a husband, entrepreneur, creative, musician, and marketer focused on helping churches reach people. In this conversation we discuss; 

  • Business/Church Marketing

  • The Reality of Being a Creative 

  • Making Money as a Creative

  • Marriage & Family 

  • Balancing Consistent Routines with what’s Needed in the Moment 

For anyone looking to optimize their work life balance, learn to work better as a creative or with creatives, as well as those just balancing work, personal health, and family, this conversation has something for you! 

World class people are multifaceted. In each conversation we’ll dive into more than just their most public accomplishments, and into the everyday habits and values that we can all learn from to live a life truly marked by health, wealth, and wisdom.