I love the rain. The soft Pitter-patter as it hits the earth. The slight way it bounces back from the soft ground or hard pavement.

The slow dripping from branches, rooftops, windows and more.

There is something so calming & peaceful about it…

Real rain is of course amazing, but if I am honest what I usually am jamming out to is the rain noise that comes loaded with my iPhone.

I have this routine where I’ll get my room or office as dark as possible, turn a fan on, and put in my noise canceling headphones with the sound of falling rain filling my ears.

I’ll set a 20-30 minute timer and just lay there. Usually I’ll fall asleep and take a quick nap, another rejuvenating practice.

But what I want to explore briefly is why we love the rain so much?

I think the rain gives us an excuse to slow down and at the same time fills us with a sense of washing & refreshing. It traps us inside or underneath and forces us to take shelter.

This is often what we need in our fast paced & frenetic world, a chance to slow down, be washed, refreshed, & sheltered.

As you go about your daily routines, I want to encourage you to spend a few precious minutes in the rain whether that be a quiet room with headphones or the real deal.

A few moments to slow down & recognize what’s most important, celebrate what’s already been done, and refocus your efforts for the rest of the day.

A few moments to let silence or the Pitter-patter wash over you and in it, the grace of God that is waiting there for you. In that moment let go of what you can’t control and give it to God.

Take shelter in the care of God and let yourself feel safe and unguarded.

I love the rain…

Maybe we can all sit inside with hot cups in our hands and enjoy it sometime together…

Geno Schmelzer,

My podcast “Can I Ask You A Question? Is a digital chance to sit together with a hot cup in our hands. I’d love for you to check it out and let me know what’s speaking to you, what you’d like more of… It would be an honor if you’d subscribe/follow now wherever you listen to podcasts.