For my whole adult life I have had a clear vision to become a certain type of person.

  • Someone who was financially and professionally successful.

  • Someone who had a rich network of friends and partners in business and other missional endeavors.

  • Someone who had it all and yet was humble about his success, and not overly bothered by criticism.

  • Someone who was generous and not overly afraid of adversity.

For over a decade I have believed that I had to be successful to finally be this person, but recently I’ve come to realize I have to be this person to finally become successful.

I have to stop letting adversity terrify me now! I have to be humble and confident now! I have to be generous and open handed now!

These are not just the traits of the truly successful, they are the foundational mindsets that helped them achieve it.

How about you?

Have you fallen into the same mindset trap of believing you’ll be a certain type of person, the person you really want to be, but only after success finds you first?

I want to invite you to join me in changing our misguided mindsets and being the person we’ve always wanted to be instead of waiting for success to make it happen or give us permission.

Let’s stop waiting!

Geno Schmelzer,

Questions are powerful keys to life and wisdom. Each week we’ll explore one or more question and through our fun and engaging exploration come out the other side a little wiser for the journey!