I really want to be healthy!

I am so frustrated with some recurring illness in my family.

I am sick and tired of the extra weight on my midsection.

Can you relate?

If it’s not the area of health for you, maybe it’s wealth or the wisdom to handle life’s big and small situations.

What I bet is that there is an area you desperately want to see change in.

So do I.

Recently I’ve been flooding my mind with natural health resources. Scoping out books to read, subscribing to new podcasts, following new accounts on social, & researching health supplements and other products and services.

This is who I am, I love to deep dive into areas I am curious about and almost certainly some of that knowledge/wisdom will end up here on The Wise Letter.

So sprinting towards a goal I am passionate about and learning as fast as I can, isn’t a bad thing, it’s quite a good thing.

But, a few days ago, I recognized I had reached “the line.” The point at which spending more of today’s hours for tomorrows gains is no longer a good return on investment.

The point where my eagerness to succeed, to improve, to reach my desired goal was sliding into impatience, which is not a virtue.

The line between divine agitation and impatience can be a blurry one. In both cases you get fed up with “here” and burn the ships to go “there.” But there are slight, but important differences.

Divine agitation is most often driven by love; but Impatience is most often driven by fear.

By a sense of lack. A sense of pessimism and doubt that you will ever achieve your goals. And so, like a desperate person, you will steal what you can, when you can.

In other words, you will sprint at the first sign of the goal, instead of waiting for the opportune time, even when it will cost you.

Let’s face it, we don’t make our best decisions based out of fear.

So what’s the answer?

Patient progress.

A steady pace of growth, change, and goal achievement based out of an optimistic, faith-filled belief that you will get “there.” You just don’t know when or how.

Suddenly the journey isn’t an imposition, it’s a slow revelation of the ever growing, ever more beautiful life you are blessed to live, and goals you are blessed to pursue and achieve.

As you pursue patient progress;

  • Your spouse and kids will sense the shift and be better for it.

  • Your decisions will shift from the short term towards the mid to long term and be better for it.

  • Your ability to stop once in a while to smell the roses and enjoy the moment will increase.

  • You will avoid the many little snares that might otherwise have dragged you down in your blind, impatient, midnight dash to freedom!

  • As a result, you will actually achieve more of your goals, and those goals you achieve will be more aligned with your actual values and true desires.

  • It’s tough to follow your true north at a dead sprint.

Patient progress is hard.

I am anxiously writing these last sentences before my daughter wakes up and my day speeds up!

But hard is often an indicator of value and with patient progress it certainly is.

Here’s to the slow jog!

See you next Thursday!

Geno Schmelzer,