My mind just wouldn’t work…

A few days ago, I had lots of questions I needed to answer, I had planning to do; but my mind just wasn’t cooperating.

A lot of times, this mental block would have bothered me, and to be honest I was a bit impatient. But instead of letting it really get to me, I accepted that my mind needed a break and I spent the whole day Spring Cleaning.

Needless to say, my wife was thrilled to come home to a clean house and a lawn that was mown and trimmed!

I didn’t get all the answers I needed, but over the next few days, I have begun to.

Sometimes our minds just need time to rest and we need to give ourselves permission to sit with a question.

In one light, one mood, one busy day a decision to start or stop may look totally different than just few days or even hours later!

I don’t want to pick paint colors or make important decisions in an unusual moment, I want to examine it in all types of lighting and see if I can live with it or be thrilled with it under most of them.

What question do you need to sit with right now?

  • Don’t let impatience rob you of the perspective that sitting with a question can give.

  • Have you gotten truly curious about your problem or opportunity and looked at it from multiple angles, even novel ones? Those are sometimes the best ones in the end!

I highly suspect, that much of our time is spent fixing decisions we made in haste and that slowing down is often the best way to speed up.

Here’s one of my all time favorite books on slowing down. It’s called “The Ruthless Elimination of Hurry.” 

See you next Thursday!

Geno Schmelzer,

P.S. Check out my brand new podcast “Can I Ask You A Question?

*** This post contains helpful links to resources, some of them are my affiliate links.