Webster’s dictionary defines the word succeed this way; “to attain a desired object or end.”

We all have areas in our life we’d like to succeed in. Usually it’s actually a handful or more areas.

Health, finances, relationships, personal habits, career or service goals…

Like me, you’ve probably succeeded at some of these goals in the past, fallen away from old levels of success in others, and in some areas of life you’ve been pursuing success and not attaining it all this time.

From here we could take a lot of different paths of discussion. The path of seeing the bigger picture. The path of learning contentment, or still yet the path of prioritizing which of these goals is most important for you to succeed at.

However today I’d like to share a recent insight I had on the question;

What does it really take to succeed?

To be honest this insight came during a time of prayer. I was praying and looking at a whiteboard with some of my core areas of life/key goals written on it.

I asked God for insight and guidance and then at some point this thought came to me.

It’s not enough to have clear goals, you need a system to achieve them.

I am a person that loves to drill down on what I really want and what I believe God wants me to do.

I like to get clear on what success would look like and in basic sketch form, plan as far ahead as I can.

But what I have often missed was creating or discovering an actual system to achieve my goals.

Webster’s defines the word system this way; “an organized or established procedure.” 

With clear goals I could tell you with detail what I wanted to achieve and even details like when, how much, for how long…

But what I have often lacked is an organized or established procedure. In other words; a system.

For example one of my goals is to build a large community of readers and listeners through this newsletter and my podcast. Furthermore my goal is to release at least one newsletter and one podcast weekly.

With that information I personally felt I had a clear blueprint for success. I also had a clear measuring line to know if I was failing to reach my goal, and yet I still often missed that schedule of content distribution.

I had a clear goal, but I still needed a system.

So recently I readjusted my wake up time and morning routine so that I can write and create first thing in the morning. It’s literally how I am writing these words to you now!

For me personally this is probably the most proven system that has lead me to the most desirable and reliable results and yet I wasn’t doing it.

Your system may be a similar schedule shift, hiring a coach, subscribing to a resource or something else entirely.

If you’d like help creating clear goals and simple systems to achieve them, I just released a new episode on the podcast exploring this exact topic.

In the episode I give 5 questions to help you create clear goals and 3 questions to help you make simple systems to reach them.

You can listen to it right now on your favorite podcasting app: Apple, Spotify, YouTube

Now it’s your turn.

Where do you have a goal that you’ve been struggling to find success or perhaps have even given up on completely? Do you need to perhaps clarify it further?

What if you added an organized or established procedure: a system to it?

Within God’s plan, within the framework and values of your life; It’s time to do what it really takes to succeed!

You’ve subscribed to these weekly wise letters, now continue the journey with my weekly podcast Can I Ask You A Question!

Each week we’re exploring questions and unlocking wisdom through solo episodes with myself or deep dive interviews with the most interesting people in my life.

I’d be honored if you would subscribe today wherever you listen to podcasts. Apple, Spotify, YouTube

See you next Thursday!

Geno Schmelzer,