Hands on wet grass, the sound of labored breathing all around you as your team performs push ups or stretches.

Then your off for a 10 mile run on foot before the sun has even risen above the nearby hills.

If you suddenly found yourself like a time traveler dropped into that situation and had to guess where and when you were, what would you say?

The truth is a routine like that has been performed by soldiers and athletes for not just hundreds, but thousands of years.

Embracing pain and difficulty is near daily fare for a warrior, an athlete, and anyone who’s made a concerted effort to breakthrough the status quo.

It takes pushing through the pain to innovate, rejuvenate, and otherwise alter the world or some part of it in any significant way. Just ask the sleepless and often weary inventors, poets, scholars, politicians, scientist and saints who’ve changed the world…

Greatness has a cost and the great are always among those who pay it.

Over the next 3 wise letters I am going to share with you a 3 part framework for seeing yourself.

It’s a framework I have begun to use for motivation and clarification in my everyday, ever changing life and now you can too.

I recently sat down and recorded 30 minutes of content on this very topic on the podcast. You can listen to that here: Apple, Spotify, YouTube.

Part One: The Warrior King

Who You Are:

You are a warrior king. For the many ladies reading this, just swap the word king for queen and come along with us.

You are a warrior king - or at least you were made to be. In the beginning of Genesis 1 the biblical account of creation, it was made clear that God had made mankind, male and female, to rule the earth as wise stewards of His creative purposes.

For those followers of Jesus reading this, by His redemptive work, we have become co-heirs with Christ of the glory of God (Romans 8:17).


You are meant to embrace pain, suffering, and sacrifice for the good of the kingdom and to fight for it too.

You are meant to defend the weak, the helpless, the innocent, and the vulnerable.

You are meant to lead wisely, see trouble afar off, and prepare for it before the day of battle.

If you’re more comfortable with it, call yourself a warrior prince. I fully agree the true king we serve is Jesus Christ, but I like how the title king/queen leaves us no room to shirk our earthly responsibilities as we serve our High King Jesus. Furthermore it makes it completely clear that we have authority, we are no powerless member of the royal court.

How You Should Live:

So you’ve grasped the concept you are a Warrior King, but now you’re wondering what to do with that information at work, at home, in the city.

Being a Warrior King gives you the authority and responsibility to be a servant leader in every sphere you are in. It entitles you to divest yourself of entitlement and get to work.

Once you realize that you are a warrior king or queen, you realize that you have the authority and the responsibility to think about the future of your family, your workplace, church, community, and even nation.

You also realize that preparation, prayerfulness, self development and civic duty are not indulgent practices of overly ambitious do gooders, but the daily fare of Warrior Kings, this is a part of who you are.

This knowledge will affect,

  • How you work.

  • How you pray.

  • How you vote.

  • How you spend and save.

  • How you eat and work out.

  • How you develop relationships.

Welcome to the tribe of Warrior Kings and Queens. This is not all of who you are, but it’s a crucial and important part of the tapestry. Stay tuned for Part Two.


Don’t worry if others treat you like a king or queen right now, act like one anyways and watch as your actions shape your world for the better.

You’ve subscribed to these daily wise letters, now continue the journey with my weekly podcast Can I Ask You A Question!

Each week we’re exploring questions and unlocking wisdom through solo episodes with myself or deep dive interviews with the most interesting people in my life.

I’d be honored if you would subscribe today wherever you listen to podcasts. Apple, Spotify, YouTube

See you next Thursday!

Geno Schmelzer,