“Whoever has the most fun wins.”

I read that phrase from the author James Clear’s excellent newsletter and James credits hearing it from someone else…

Whoever said it first; those words have stuck with me for months.

Whoever has the most fun wins.

It sounds sort of selfish and hedonistic. Thoughts of self seeking, narcissism come to mind.

But still, it stuck with me.

Whoever has the most fun wins.

And you know what, as I’ve sat with those words, I think James is on to something.

  • A woman who actually enjoys her work, will often stay later and last longer than her “just doing it for the paycheck” counterpart.

  • A man who find an area of serving his community that he really finds fulfillment in, will serve more often and with greater enthusiasm, than his “just checking it off my charity list” counterpart.

  • A parent who seeks out a shared hobby or experience that both they and their child enjoy, will often spend more time together with their child and that time will be of a higher quality.”

Fun really is a competitive advantage.

Don’t let an old fashioned, “if it isn’t miserable, it isn’t really work” mentality stop you from seizing this quite literally “fun” competitive advantage!

But let’s take it one step further, I think most of us are down with the whole smell the roses thing. Meaning we’ll do our best to adopt a fun approach to what’s already on our calendar and in our 5 year plan.

But what if we used fun as a component of our directional north star when it came time to dream about the future?

In other words, what if “is it fun?” Became an intentional and essential question in our tool bag of self discovery and future planning/decisions?

I have personally begun incorporating this loosely into my decision making and it really is a great clarifier.

It’s helping me differentiate between good opportunities and the ones I will still be happy I took a chance on in 10 years, regardless of the outcome of that decision.

Imagine that, a game where win or lose, every roll of the dice brings so much joy, that you win either way.

That is the secret power… The competitive advantage of fun… and that’s just scratching the surface!

See you next Thursday!

Geno Schmelzer,

P.S. Check out my brand new podcast “Can I Ask You A Question? The latest episode is with pastor and author Jess Strickland. We cover a rich range of topics in our over 2 hour conversation!