According to some, the odds of winning the New York Times online game “Wordle” in one word were about 1 in 2,300… But today my wife, a dedicated daily player of the game Wordle did it, she got it on the first word!

What was her successful word? I’d tell you but then I’d have to you, well you know…

I will tell you this though, she’s been using the same word as her first guess for months now.

Apparently she’d heard the horror story of another Wordle player who decided to abandon their tried and true first word only to have it be the word of the day that very morning!

Needless to say, she’s been sticking to her word daily, lest that same fate of the Wordler happen to her.

So what’s the point of this story?

Showing up everyday and doing the same thing doesn’t just increase your odds of winning at Wordle, but also at life.

I am all about variety, pivoting, innovating, you name it. But there are many occasions when we just need to do the same boring basics again and again.

  • A push, pull, & squat movement in our full body work out.

  • 5 sales calls a day at work.

  • A weekly meeting to stay connected with your spouse.

  • 5 Minutes reading the Bible & another 5 praying or journaling what God is speaking to you.

How many of us are like the poor unfortunate soul who abandoned their routine right before it was about to finally pay off?

So today, here’s to the “Wordlers” of the world! The one’s putting in the same faithfully strokes day after day.

See you next Thursday!

Geno Schmelzer,